Due to its popularity, many players choose to create their own Minecraft servers to customize the game to their preferences, build a community with other enthusiasts, and even generate additional income. There are several ways you can play Minecraft with friends, but the most versatile by far is on a Minecraft server that is hosted online. So chances are you are one of those players who want to take their Minecraft experience to the next level by hosting it on a cheap, fast and reliable server with all your favorite plugins.

Our Minecraft Server Plans


€0.00/ One time

  • Try a server for free for 3 days.
  • Ryzen 7 2700X
  • 3 GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz
  • 10 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000Mbps Uplink
  • Anti DDoS Voxility 1 Tbps+
  • x1 MySQL databases
  • Unlimited Slots
  • x1 Backups
  • Any Mode (Vanilla/Paper)
  • Technical support
Check aviability

/ monthly

  • Intel I9-9900K & Ryzen 7 3800X
  • 2 GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz
  • 30 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000Mbps Uplink
  • Anti DDoS Voxility 1 Tbps+
  • x1 MySQL databases
  • Unlimited Slots
  • x1 Backups
  • Any Mode (Vanilla/Paper)
  • Technical support
Order now

/ monthly

  • Intel I9-9900K & Ryzen 7 3800X
  • 3 GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz
  • 40 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000Mbps Uplink
  • Anti DDoS Voxility 1 Tbps+
  • x1 MySQL databases
  • Unlimited Slots
  • x2 Backups
  • Any Mode (Vanilla/Paper)
  • Technical support
Order now

/ monthly

  • Intel I9-9900K & Ryzen 7 3800X
  • 4 GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz
  • 50 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000Mbps Uplink
  • Anti DDoS Voxility 1 Tbps+
  • x1 MySQL databases
  • Unlimited Slots
  • x3 Backups
  • Any Mode (Vanilla/Paper)
  • Technical support
Order now

/ monthly

  • Intel I9-9900K & Ryzen 7 3800X
  • 5 GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz
  • 60 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000Mbps Uplink
  • Anti DDoS Voxility 1 Tbps+
  • x2 MySQL databases
  • Unlimited Slots
  • x4 Backups
  • Any Mode (Vanilla/Paper)
  • Technical support
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/ monthly

  • Intel I9-9900K & Ryzen 7 3800X
  • 9 GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz
  • 70 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000Mbps Uplink
  • Anti DDoS Voxility 1 Tbps+
  • x2 MySQL databases
  • Unlimited Slots
  • x5 Backups
  • Any Mode (Vanilla/Paper)
  • Technical support
Order now

Easy to use control panel

We are offering a clean and easy control panel for our game hosting, with all the feature you need.

  • SFTP login
  • Browser file management
  • Subuser login
  • Create databases
  • Restart your server
  • Console input

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Upgrade/downgrade your server at any time and pay onlt the difference at a prorated amount. Upgrades can be done automatically in the client area.
In this case, please also check the SPAM section, sometimes it happens to end up there. You could also check here. If you can't find the email anywhere, please open a ticket at the Support department.
Available payment methods are: Paypal, Credit Card, Paysafecard, Bank Transfer.
All game servers are activated instantly after the invoice is paid. VPS servers are activated within 5-10 minutes. Dedicated servers as they are manually configured may take longer time.
If it is about game servers, you can restore from the backups section: gamecp.hythost.com. If it is about VPS, please write a ticket on this topic so that we can try to help you.
We can help you absolutely free to move the server from another hosting company to us, you just need to contact us via ticket or live chat.

Are you ready to move in with us?

The servers are booted, select your plan and become our latest satisfied client.

If moving to hythost seems complicated, we will help you. We can offer you help to migrate to us any type of services within 48 hours.